

Complex analysis of how sea level is predicted to rise - from

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Birth rate pushes UK population to greatest increase in almost 50 years

28/8/2009 GuardianThe UK experienced its greatest population increase in almost half a century last year, with a baby boom pushing the number of people living in the country above 61 million for the first time. Read the rest of this entry »

YouGov survey commissioned by Christain Aid

1/6/2009 Christian Aid News Survey of UK attitudes to climate change. Read the rest of this entry »

When it comes to climate change talks. women are an endangered species - but our input is crucial - Ruth Bond

24/8/2009 Guardian I am always amazed when I walk into meetings with the prime minister and groups campaigning on climate change to find that I suddenly appear to be an endangered species. Read the rest of this entry »

How psychology can curb climate change

22/8/2009 New Scientist  by Peter Aldhous  “I’M NOT convinced it’s as bad as the experts make out… It’s everyone else’s fault… Read the rest of this entry »

Plastics decompose with surprising speed in the oceans, releasing contaminants

20/8/2009 BBC Plastics decompose with surprising speed in the oceans, releasing contaminants into the water, according to new research. Read the rest of this entry »