

Climate: Irony in the USA

28/12/2006 BBC Jonathan Lash-  The US stance on global warming is changing, but we have let our climate policy develop at glacial speed; who says we don’t have a sense of irony? Read the rest of this entry »

Tropical seas are threatened by famine

7/12/2006 BBC Tropical seas are threatened by famine as warming quickens, satellite survey shows. Read the rest of this entry »

World’s richest 1% own 40% of all wealth

6/12/2006 BBC World’s richest 1% own 40% of all wealth-  50% of world’s adults own just 1%. UN report discovers. First ever study of global household assets. Read the rest of this entry »

Youth poll offers contradictions

4/12/2006 BBC Most 15-17 year olds have a global view of the planet, with almost 80% believing they should be able to move anywhere they want. But this global view is shaken a little by their perspective on climate change - a mere 5% see it as the most pressing problem facing the Earth right now. Read the rest of this entry »