

What should we say and how should we say it?

How do people differ in terms of climate change messages?  Which people should we focus on?  What messages are appropriate at this time and how should they change as events unfold? What are the most effective ways of offering appropriate messages?

If you are interested in this discussion there are two ways you can take part.   Either send your ideas by e-mail to  Morris Bradley at [email protected]  and I will try to reflect them in this posting and/or e-mail me that you would like to be invited to a discussion (on this topic) with not more than five people so that the issues can be tackled in depth.   The discussion will be arranged on a weekday from 6.0 pm to 7.30pm  or on a Saturday from 2.0 to 3.30pm in central Edinburgh.   You need to give me a list of several possible dates so that I can coordinate a suitable group of people.